This is my contribution to the project I’m working on with Allison Kline: The Conversation. My jumping off point was Allison’s owl painting (you can see that here) – I had originally envisioned something a bit different than this. I was going to have these mounted animal masks hanging on the wall like some kind of crazy animal hunting lodge … I wanted a model in some kind of avant-garde, Bjork-like outfit off to the side of the mounted heads with a pile of feathers blowing – a pile of feathers so big that they would be almost obscuring her face. I put a call out there in the universe looking for the perfect model/dress combination and my friend Melinda suggested “boy-lesque” performer Waxie Moon (click here for an article about Waxie in The Stranger). I immediately remembered Waxie from the burlesque story I worked on for MSN’s City Guides two years ago (unfortunately, the burlesque story is no longer online but you can see some of the images on my web site here) – she was a standout performer that I had seen in several of the shows. There was suddenly no one else who could be in this photo but Waxie! I did have the animal masks and was working on the set but it didn’t feel quite right – this is the end result of a great collaboration between myself, Allison, and Waxie! I am so excited for the rest of the project … stay tuned as we hopefully launch it at ArtsCrush 2011!