The Future List for City Arts

I was lucky enough to recently get the plum assignment of shooting 12 of Seattle’s top innovators for the January issue of City Arts – their Future List. The artists and innovators included Joselynn Tokashiki Engstrom, Gifted Gab, Linas Phillips, Aaron Huey, Markeith Wiley, Sharon Arnold, Justin Huertas, Sam Anderson, Olivia McCausland, Alex Osuch aka DJAO, Matthew Parker, and Jeri Ellsworth. 1521604_10152115726119578_1533460383_n

It was a lot of work in getting all the portraits shot but it was an amazing experience getting the opportunity to meet and work with these incredibly talented people.

We shot tons of images for this and, of course, lots of good images get left behind. I’ve included some of my favorite outtakes below. Check out the images that ran in the magazine, on newsstands now or online here!


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