I love the circus. When I was maybe in second grade, my family took me to one of those circuses that come to towns every summer for a weekend or so. The acrobats were so cool I wanted to be one, swinging from ring to ring (randomly, I still remember they were blasting the song "Strawberry Letter 23" during the performance). Shortly afterwards, I checked out a book on the Ringling Brothers from our school library and read it obsessively. I was so obsessed with it, I stole the book and tucked it under my bed. But, my guilt over the attempted theft overcame me and I confessed in tears to my parents about wanting to keep the book forever. Cue to a few breathless weeks later, I had my very own copy of the book - my parents had to special order it from the bookstore at the mall. I still have the book to this day awaiting to hand it over to my kiddos!
So, I was overjoyed when asked by Teatro Zinzanni if I could do some promo work for their new late-night show, Wake the Night. The cast and crew were just as enthusiastic about their work as I felt when I was a kid -- their talents and joy with what they were doing was infectious and made this such a fun shoot to be a part of!
Yes, there are acrobatics. Yes, there is a lot of dancing. There's even, yes, an elephant! But, you'll have to check it out to see what I'm talking about....